Helpful words and phrases for CEFR writing

Primary tabs

Stating Your Opinion

 In my opinion,

 According to me,

 In my view,

 To me,

 From my point of view,

 I think

 It seems to me that

 I believe

 From my perspective

 To my way of thinking

 It appears that

 I suppose

 I realize

 I understand

 I imagine

 I feel


 Giving Examples

 For example,

 For instance,

 such as

 In other words,



 that is


 To illustrate

 To paraphrase



 Similar to


 in common



 In the same way,


 At the same time

 Just as






 On the contrary,

 On the other hand,

 Differ from







 Even though




 Generally speaking,


 On the whole,

 In general,

 By and large,

 It seems to me that

 I believe

 All in all,



 As a rule,

 All things considered

 For the most part


Expressing Certainty 




 No doubt,


 Of course,


 Expressing Partial Agreement

 More or less,

 To some extent,

 Up to a point,


 In a way,

 So to speak,


 Showing cause 

 Due to


 Because of

 Owing to


 Showing effect 


 As a result,


 For this reason,






 The reason why


 Marking time 








 First of all,







 To begin with

 At the same time


 After this / that




 Following this


 As soon as


 Adding Information


 In addition






 As well as




 What’s more


 Expressing condition



 In case


 Provided that

 So that



 To summarize

 In conclusion



 To conclude with,

 In short,