Oylik maoshlariga ustama haq olish uchun test sinovlariga tayyorlanamiz - IELTS FOUNDATION

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Siz ham oylik maoshlariga ustama haq olish uchun navbatdagi test sinovlariga tayyorlanish haqida bosh qotirayapsizmi? Qaysi kitoblardan foydalanishni bilmayapsizmi? Quyida siz uchun barcha ko'nikmalarni rivojlantirish uchun IELTS foundation qo'llanmasini taqdim qilmoqchiman.

A complete and integrated pre-IELTS course that provides skills development and graded practice. The course raises awareness of and provides step-by step training in the language and skills needed to tackle a full IELTS course confidently, and aim for a high exam score. This book includes Interesting texts and material keep students motivated, Key structures and Quick check boxes highlight useful grammar points, DIY Learning strategies and projects encourage out-of-class study to speed-up progress, Key Language Practice Bank provides additional support and practice in grammar and vocabulary – ideal for mixed level classes and self-study, Writing Practice Bank gives practice in basic writing skills, guided tasks and model answers. Skill book helps students develop the skills required for the IELTS exam and give your motivated students lots of extra exam practice. The ideal companion to Focus on IELTS Foundation. Teacher’s Book provides lead-in ideas, detailed teaching notes, answers and tapescripts. Class CDs: CD1, CD2 (skill book), CD3 (book).



Faylni ko'chirib olish


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A complete and integrated pre-IELTS course that provides skills development and graded practice. The course raises awareness of and provides step-by step training in the language and skills needed to tackle a full IELTS course confidently, and aim for a high exam score. This book includes Interesting texts and material keep students motivated, Key structures and Quick check boxes highlight useful grammar points, DIY Learning strategies and projects encourage out-of-class study to speed-up progress, Key Language Practice Bank provides additional support and practice in grammar and vocabulary – ideal for mixed level classes and self-study, Writing Practice Bank gives practice in basic writing skills, guided tasks and model answers. Skill book helps students develop the skills required for the IELTS exam and give your motivated students lots of extra exam practice. The ideal companion to Focus on IELTS Foundation. Teacher’s Book provides lead-in ideas, detailed teaching notes, answers and tapescripts. Class CDs: CD1, CD2 (skill book), CD3 (book).

Источник: http://txt.uz/2967-longman-focus-on-ielts-foundation-students-book.html
© http://txt.uz

A complete and integrated pre-IELTS course that provides skills development and graded practice. The course raises awareness of and provides step-by step training in the language and skills needed to tackle a full IELTS course confidently, and aim for a high exam score. This book includes Interesting texts and material keep students motivated, Key structures and Quick check boxes highlight useful grammar points, DIY Learning strategies and projects encourage out-of-class study to speed-up progress, Key Language Practice Bank provides additional support and practice in grammar and vocabulary – ideal for mixed level classes and self-study, Writing Practice Bank gives practice in basic writing skills, guided tasks and model answers. Skill book helps students develop the skills required for the IELTS exam and give your motivated students lots of extra exam practice. The ideal companion to Focus on IELTS Foundation. Teacher’s Book provides lead-in ideas, detailed teaching notes, answers and tapescripts. Class CDs: CD1, CD2 (skill book), CD3 (book).

Источник: http://txt.uz/2967-longman-focus-on-ielts-foundation-students-book.html
© http://txt.uz

Longman Focus on IELTS Foundation (Student's Book, Skills Book, Teacher's book, Audio CDs)

Источник: http://txt.uz/2967-longman-focus-on-ielts-foundation-students-book.html
© http://txt.uz

Longman Focus on IELTS Foundation (Student's Book, Skills Book, Teacher's book, Audio CDs)

Источник: http://txt.uz/2967-longman-focus-on-ielts-foundation-students-book.html
© http://txt.uz

Longman Focus on IELTS Foundation (Student's Book, Skills Book, Teacher's book, Audio CDs)

Источник: http://txt.uz/2967-longman-focus-on-ielts-foundation-students-book.html
© http://txt.uz