Ingliz tili fani oyligiga - "Bremen musiqachilari" ertagining sahnaviy ko'rinish ssenariysi

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Master: Look at my donkey. It was good and strong. It could carry heavy bags with flour. But now it is old. It can't work. (Eshakka qarab) Go away!
(Xo’jayin ketdi. Eshak qo’li bilan qimirlatib)
Donkey: What shall I do?... I'll find a new house.
(Eshak o’z joyida turib, yurgan holda. Uning oldiga it keladi)
Donkey: What's the matter, Doggy?
Dog: I helped the hunter. I ran in the forest and in the field. But now I'm old. He wanted to kill me, and I ran away.
Donkey: Let's find a new house!
Dog: Good idea!

( Eshak va it yo’lda ketishayapti. Ularning oldiga mushuk keladi)
Dog: What's the matter, Kitty?
Donkey: Why are you sad?
Cat: I lived on the farm. I caught mice. But now I'm old. What shall I do?
Donkey: Let's find a new house!
Cat: Good idea!

( Eshak, it, mushuk yolda ketishayapti. Ularning oldiga xoroz keladi.)
Cat: What's the matter, Rooster?
Rooster: Cock-a-doodle-doo! My master wanted to eat me! What shall I do?
Cat: Let's find a new house!
Rooster: Cock-a-doodle-doo! Good idea!

(Torttalasi ham yolda ketishayapti)
Rooster: It's dark!
Cat: I'm thirsty!
Dog: I'm hungry!
Donkey: I'm tired!
(Xo’roz bir tomonni ko’rsatadi)
Rooster: Look! A light!
Donkey: It's a house!
Dog: There's meat!
Cat: There's milk! Let's go there!

(Qahramonlar checkkaga o’tishadi va uyni oldiga kelib, uning oynasiga qarashganday bo’lishadi.)
Donkey: I see the robbers. They are having supper!

(Bu yerda Qaroqchilar paydi boladi va ular yeb, ichishayotgandek ozlarini korsatishadi. Qoshiq aytishadi. Va hayvonlar ozlarining tovushlarini qilishadi)
Donkey: Meow!
Dog: Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Cat: Bow-wow-wow!
Rooster: Hee-haw!

(Qaroqchilar qo’rqib ketishgan)
Robber 1: Oh, It's a monster!
Robber 2: I'm frightened!
Robber 3: Let's run away!

(Qaroqchilar qochib ketishdi. Hayvonlar uyga kirishdi..)
Donkey: What a good house!
Dog: Let's live here!
Cat: Good idea!
Rooster: Cock-a-doodle-doo!