Brain Ring – Intellectual quiz game scenario (Ingliz tili fani oyligiga).

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Ma’lumkin May oyi — Ingliz tili oyidir. Shunday ekan, bu oyda har bir Ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi darslarda va darsdan keyin faolroq bo’lishlari lozim. Ayniqsa darsdan keyin faollik qilib o’quvchilarni qo’shimcha mashg’ulotlarga jalb qilishlari lozim. Men ham qo’ldan kelgancha bu oyda maktabimdagi faollikdan tashqari siz azizlar bilan ham turli xil foydali qo’llanmalar bilan bo’lishishga axd qildim. Quyida «Brain ring» o’yin tadbiri ssenariysini sizga taqdim qilmoqchiman.

Olib boruvchi:

Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

I am pleased to see and welcome all of you here today at our ‘’BRAIN RING’’ session.

Four teams consisting of the most quick-witted kids of the 8 ‘’A’’, ‘’B’’, ‘’C’’ and ‘’D’’ forms will compete to show their knowledge, determination and quick reaction. Let’s greet them and wish all of them good luck and concentration.

We see that each of the teams has many fans that are sure to shout for their favourites, and it’s really good, but we ask everybody not to be too noisy so that the members of the teams could hear the tasks well enough to be able to concentrate and think the answers over properly.

We have elected a competent jury, so let me introduce them to you. They are…

(представление членов жюри).

We ask you, judges, not to be too critical and forgive our participants the mistakes. We ask you to say some words to our teams.

And now a few words about the game itself. The whole thing will consist of 5 rounds covering different aspects of knowledge –

  • general knowledge of the English-speaking countries,
  • outstanding personalities of the English-speaking countries
  • literature,
  • natural sciences, and
  • mathematics.

Each of the rounds includes a number of questions and tasks for you to answer, and every task will be scored a certain number of points to make the final amount in the end.

  1. WARM-UP.


Olib boruvchi

So, the first round will be a kind of a warm-up and will be a sort of a country-study quiz. Every team will be asked 5 questions on various aspects of the English-speaking countries and it’s important that you should answer the questions as quickly as possible. Every correct answer will be scored one point, so the maximum a team can score is 5 points. Let’s start.


  1. What is the home of the US President? The White House
  2. What is the national musical instrument of Scotland? bagpipe
  3. What do American people call their police officers? cops
  4. What is the largest London’s park? Hyde Park
  5. Is New York the capital of the USA? No
  6. What is the biggest library in the world? The US Library of Congress
  7. What is the capital of Australia? Canberra
  8. What is the official address of Prime Minister house in the UK? 10 Downing Street
  9. Where did Robin Hood live? In Sherwood Forest.
  10. What is the biggest and the most well- known square in London? Trafalgar Square.
  11. What is the "First Footer”? A man, who comes first on the 1st of January.
  12. What is the national emblem of Northern Ireland? Shamrock
  13. What do Americans celebrate on July 4th? Independence Day
  14. Branches of what tree appear on a one-dollar banknote? Olive
  15. On what date is St Georges day? April 23rd
  16. What is the currency of the UK? Pound / pence
  17. How many stars are there on the flag of Australia? 6
  18. In what building in London is the Poets Corner? Westminster Abbey
  19. What is the New York underground called? The subway
  20. How often do American people choose a new President? Every fourth year



Olib boruvchi

Now let’s pass over to the second round, dedicated to the people of English-speaking countries who have glorified their country. Each of the teams will be asked 4 questions one after the other. You will be given some information and a minute will have to decide who it is about.

If you name the person correctly, you will get 2 points.

1) This outstanding English scientist was a physicist and discovered the law of gravity.

(Isaak Newton)

2) This British scientist was a naturalist. He made a voyage on board the ship ‘’Beagle’’ and studied various species of plants and animals of different parts of the world. This made him think of the theory of evolution.(Charles Darwin)

3) This British scientist discovered the laws of electricity and magnetism.

(Michael Faraday)

4) This British scientist invented telephone. (Alexander Bell)

5) This English traveller and explorer discovered a lot of islands in the Pacific and was the first to explore Australia.

(James Cook)

6) This outstanding British admiral won the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

(Admiral Lord Nelson)

7) This English general and politician was born in the Fens area in East Anglia. He was the leader of the army who fought against monarchy in the 17th century and became ‘’Lord Protector’’ of England.

(Oliver Cromwell)

8) This Englishman lived in the 16thcentury. He became famous as the leader of the plot of conspirators who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605 and kill King James I. he was executed and that occasion gave birth to the holiday widely celebrated in Britain in November.

( Guy Fawkes)

9) This famous American musician sang new music and became most popular in the USA and the whole world in the 1950s and has been popular up to now. He is known as the King of rock-n-roll.

(Elvis Presley)

10) This outstanding person had various talents: he was a mathematician, a doctor, an astronomer, but he became famous as an architect after he had built St Paul’s Cathedral in London.(Sir Christopher Wren)

11) This American president came from a very poor family of American pioneers. He was a lawyer by profession and led the Civil War against slavery (the war between Northern and Southern States). He was shot soon after the war was over in 1865. He was the tallest of all American presidents. He was called ‘’honest Abe’’.

(Abraham Lincoln)

12) This British queen was the daughter of King Henry VIII. She was known as a very popular and strong queen. During her reign the Spanish Armada was defeated, art developed and the country became very powerful and important in European politics.

(Queen Elizabeth I)

13) This American writer is considered the classic of American and world literature of the 20th century. His novels ‘’A Farewell to Arms’’, ‘’The Old Man and the Sea’’ and ‘’For whom the Bell Tolls’’ are world-known.

(Ernest Hemingway)

14) This Scottish writer created many adventure novels. ‘’Ivanhoe’’ is among them.

(Walter Scott)

15) This famous author wrote a lot of books both for children and grown-ups. Among them were the stories about two boys who travelled on the Mississippi River. His real name was Samuel Clemens.

(Mark Twain)

16) This English author became famous in 1926. She wrote 68 novels, 17 plays and more than a 100 stories. She is generally called ‘’the Queen of Crime’’.

(Agatha Christie)


Olib boruvchi

Now let’s pass over to the third round of our game. It is somehow connected with the previous one as it deals with the works of literature. You’ll hear extracts from very famous books. In a minute’s time try to identify the author and the title of each of them. Every correct answer will give you 3 points.

1) ‘’I had slept for many hours. When I awoke it was just daylight. I tried to get up from the ground, but I could not move. My arms and feet were held down to the ground with strings. I heard some noise around me, but I could see nothing. In a little time I felt something alive moving on my foot, then it came over my body and up to my face. Turning my eyes down as much as I could, I saw a man. He was less than 15 centimetres high.’’

( Jonathan Swift. ‘’Gulliver’s Travels’’)

2) ‘’At seven o’clock on a hot evening in the Seeonee Hills, Father Wolf woke up. There was a little animal at the mouth of the cave. It was Tabaqui, the jackal. The wolves of India don’t like Tabaqui’s eyes that he wanted to make trouble now. ‘’Shere Khan, the Big One, has changed his hunting grounds,’’ Tabaqui said.’’

( Rudyard Kipling. ;;The Jungle Book’’)

3) ‘’The prince began to take off his clothes, and Tom took off his old clothes and put on the clothes of the prince. Tom looked at the prince as he stood there dressed in Tom’s clothes. He had seen someone very like him before. Where had he seen him? ‘’Come and look at us in the glass!’’ cried the prince. They were just like each other.

(Mark Twain. ‘’The Prince and the Pauper’’.)

4) ‘’ … and her big sister were sitting on the grass. Her sister was reading a book, but Alice had nothing to read… She was so sleepy… Just then, a white rabbit ran by, very near to her. That does not happen every day, but Alice did not wonder when the rabbit took a watch out of his pocket and looked at it.’’

( Lewis Carroll. ‘’Alice in Wonderland’’.)